Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks (VALACON)



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July 2004 – NOW

Books in preparation

1. Hong, S., Eades, P., and Nesbitt, K. “Pictures of Information “, in writing.

2. Hong, S. and Xu, K., “Network Analysis and Visualisation”, in preparation.

Conference Proceedings

1. Hong, S., Ma, K.-L. (editor), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation (APVIS), 2007, IEEE, ISBN 1-4244-0808-3.

2. Hong, S. (editor), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS), 2005, CRPIT Vol.45, ISBN 1-920682-27-9.

3. Hong, S. (editor), Proc. Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), Ballina, Australia, July 2004, ISBN 1-86487-628-X.

Book Chapters

1. Eades, P., Hong, S., “Detection and Display of Symmetry”, Chapter 5 in Tamassia, R. (editor), Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization, CRC Press, to appear.

2. Healy, P., Nikolov, N., “Hierarchical Drawing Algorithms” in Tamassia, R. (editor), Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization, CRC Press, to appear.

3. Lungu, M., Xu, K., “Biomedical Visualization”, Chapter 8 in Kerren, A., Ebert, A., Meyer, J. (editors), Human-Centered Visualization Environments, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, to appear.

4. Xu, K., Pohl, M., Qeli, E. “Graphs and Trees”, Chapter 4 in Kerren, A., Ebert, A., Meyer, J. (editors), Human-Centered Visualization Environments, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, to appear.

5. Eades, P., Hong, S., Nesbitt, K., Takatsuka, M., “Information Display”, Chapter 20 in Zomaya, A. (editor), Handbook of Innovative Computational Paradigms, Springer, 2005, pp. 633-655.

6. Eades, P., Hong, S., “Drawing Graphs:, Chapter 46 in Mehta, D., Sahni, S. (editors), Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, CRC Press, 2004.

Journal Articles

1. Xu,K., Huang,X., Shackel,N.A., Seth,D., Hong,S., Cotsapas,C.J., Gorrell,M.D., Little, P.F.R., McCaughan,G.W., Williams,R.B.H. ” Visualisation of the Gene Ontology annotation network: with application to human liver Transcriptome in hepatitis C infection”, BMC Bioinformatics, submitted.

2. Hong, S., Nagamochi, H., “Convex Drawings of Graphs with Non-convex Boundary Constraints” , submitted to Algorithmica, 2006.

3. Hong, S., Nagamochi, H., “Convex Drawings of Hierarchical Plane Graphs and Clustered Plane Graphs”, submitted to Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2006.

4. Abelson, D., Hong, S., Taylor, D. E., “A Group-Theoretic Method for Drawing Graphs Symmetrically”, submitted to Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2006.

5. Moscato, P., Webber, R., Chen, X., “Using Relative Neighborhood Graphs to Uncover Hybridizations in Cultural Evolutionary Processes” submitted to BioSystems, Elsevier.

6. Xu, K., Zhou, X., Deng, K., Shen, H. T., Lin, X., “Direct Mesh: Visualization for Multiresolution Terrain Database”, submitted to IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

7. Deng, K., Zhou, X., Shen, H. T., Xu, K., Lin, X., “Efficient Surface k-NN Query Processing”, submitted to The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB Journal).

8. Xu, K., “LOD-Quadtree: A Spatial Index for Secondary-Storage Selective Refinement”, submitted to Data and Knowledge Engineering Journal, Elsevier.

9. Buchheim, C., Hong, S., “Testing Planarity of Geometric Automorphisms in Linear Time”, submitted to Algorithmica, 2005.

10. Hong, S., Nikolov, N., Tarassov, A., “A 2.5D Hierachical Drawing of Directed Graphs”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, to appear.

11. Huang, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “Effects of Sociogram Drawing Conventions and Edge Crossings in Social Network Visualization”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, to appear.

12. Hong, S., McKay, B., Eades, P., “A Linear Time Algorithm for Constructing Maximally Symmetric Straight-line Drawings of Tri-connected Planar Graphs”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol.36, Issue 2, Sep 2006, pp.283-311.

13. do Nascimento, H., Eades, P., “User Hints for Map Labelling”, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, to appear.

14. Xu, K., Zhou, X., Deng, K., Shen, H. T., Lin, X., “A Multi-Resolution Terrain Model for Efficient Visualization Query Processing”, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, to appear.

15. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., “Spherical Self-Organizing Map Using Efficient Indexed Geodesic Data Structure”, Journal of Neural Networks, Vol. 19, Issue 6, July 2006, pp.900-910.

16. Hong, S., Merrick, D., do Nascimento, H.,“Automatic Visualisation of Metro Maps”, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Jun 2006, pp. 203-224.

17. Hong, S., Eades, P., “Drawing Planar Graphs Symmetrically III: One-connected Planar Graphs”, Algorithmica, Vol. 44, Issue 1, 2006, pp. 67-100.

18. Eades, P., Feng, Q., Lin, X., Nagamochi, H., “Straight-Line Drawing Algorithms for Hierarchical Graphs and Clustered Graphs”, Algorithmica, 2006, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 1-32.

19. do Nascimento, H., Eades, P., “User Hints: A Framework for Interactive Optimization “, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 21, Jan 2006, pp. 1177-1191.

20. Nikolov, N., Tarassov, A., “Graph Layering by Promotion of Nodes “, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 154, Issue 5, Apr 2006, pp. 848-860.

21. Buchheim, C., Hong, S., “Crossing Minimization for Symmetries”, Theory of Computing Systems, Vol. 38, Issue 3, 2005, pp. 293-311.

22. Hong, S., Eades, P., “Drawing Planar Graphs Symmetrically II: Bi-connected Graphs”, Algorithmica, Vol. 42, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 159-197.

23. Bachmaier, C., Brandenburg, F. J., Forster, M., “Radial Level Planarity Testing and Embedding in Linear Time”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 53-97.

24. Huang, X., Eades, P., Lai, W.: “PGD: A Framework for Filtering, Clustering and Dynamic Layout Graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, . 35, Issue 2, 2005.

25. Hong, S., Eades, P., Hillman, J., “Linkless Symmetric Drawings of Series Parallel Digraphs”, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol. 29, Issue 3, 2004, pp. 191-222.

26. Brandes, U., Dwyer, T., Schreiber, F., “Visual Understanding of Metabolic Pathways Across Organisms using Layout in Two and a Half Dimensions”, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, Vol. 2, 2004.

27. Dwyer, T., Gallagher, D. R., “Visualising Changes in Fund Manager Holdings in Two and a Half-dimensions”, Information Visualization, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2004, pp. 227-244.

Conference Papers

1. Huang, W., Hong, S.-H., Eades, P., “Using eye tracking to investigate graph layout effects”, Hong, S.-H., Ma, K.-L. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (APVIS2007), 5-7 Feb 2007, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 97-100.

2. Fu X, Hong S-H, Nikolov N, Shen X, Wu Y-X, Xu K, “Visualization and Analysis of Email Networks”, Hong, S.-H., Ma, K.-L. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (APVIS2007) , 5-7 Feb 2007, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 1-8.

3. Ahmed A, Batagelu V, Fu X, Hong S-H, Merrick D, Mrvar A, “Visualisation and Analysis of the Internet Movie Database”, Hong, S.-H., Ma, K.-L. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007(APVIS2007), 5-7 Feb 2007, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 17-24.

4. Xu, K., Cunningham, A., Hong, S.-H., Thomas, B., “GraphScape: Integrated Multivariate Network Visualization”, Hong, S.-H., Ma, K.-L. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (APVIS2007) , 5-7 Feb 2007, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 33-40.

5. Ahmed A and Hong S-H, “Navigation Techniques for 2.5D Graph Layout”, Hong, S.-H., Ma, K.-L. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation (APVIS2007), 5-7 Feb 2007, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 81-84.

6. Hong, S., Nagamochi, H., “Convex Drawings of Graphs with Non-Convex Boundary”, Proc. 32nd Int. Work. Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, (WG2006) Bergen, Norway, June 22-24, 2006. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4271. pp. 113-124.

7. Hong, S., Nagamochi, H., “Convex drawings of hierarchical graphs”, Proc. 17th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA 2006), July 13-19, 2006.

8. Ho, J. W. K., Manwaring, T., Hong, S., Roehm, U., Fung, D. C. Y., Xu, K., Kraska, T., Hart, D., “PathBank: Web-based Querying and Visualziation of an Integrated Biological Pathway Database”, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV2006). 26-28 July 2006, Sydney, Australia, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 84-89.

9. Murray, C., Ke, W., Borner, K., “Mapping Scientific Disciplines and Author Expertise Based on Personal Bibliography Files”, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Information Visualisation (IV06), July 5-7, 2006. London, UK. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 258-263.

10. Webber, R., Herbert, R. D., Wei, J., “Space-filling Techniques in Visualizing Output from Computer Based Economic Models”, Proc. 12th Int.Conf. Computing in Economics and Finance, 22-24 Jun. Limassol, Cyprus 2006. Society for Computational Economics, Computing in Economics and Finance 2006, Number 67.

11. Xu, K., “Web-Based Genomic Information Integration with Gene Ontology”, Proc. 8th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWEB2006), Harbin, China, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4271. pp. 812-817.

12. Deng, K., Zhou, X., Shen, H., Xu, K., Lin, X., “Surface k-NN Query Processing”, Proc. 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), (3-7 April, 2006), Atlanta, USA. IEEE Computer Society, Number 78.

13. Dwyer, T., Hong, S., Koschutzki, D., Schreiber, F., Xu, K., “Visual Analysis of Network Centralities”, Misue, K., Sugiyama, K., Tanaka, J. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp. Information Visualization (APVIS2006), CRPIT, Vol. 60, Jan 2006, pp. 189-197.

14. Huang, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “How People Read Sociograms: A Questionnaire Study”, Misue, K., Sugiyama, K., Tanaka, J. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp. Information Visualization (APVIS2006), CRPIT, Vol. 60, Jan 2006, pp. 199-206.

15. Huang, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “Predicting Graph Reading Performance: A Cognitive Approach”, Misue, K., Sugiyama, K., Tanaka, J. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp. Information Visualization (APVIS2006), CRPIT, Vol. 60, Jan 2006, pp.207-216.

16. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., “Visualize the Multivariate Network on the Surface of a Sphere”, Misue, K., Sugiyama, K., Tanaka, J. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp. Information Visualization (APVIS2006), CRPIT, Vol. 60, Jan 2006, pp. 77-83.

17. Merrick, D., Gudmundsson, J., “Increasing the Readability of Graph Drawings with Centrality-Based Scaling”, Misue, K., Sugiyama, K., Tanaka, J. (editors), Proc. Asia-Pacific Symp. Information Visualization (APVIS2006), CRPIT, Vol. 60, Jan 2006, pp. 67-76.

18. Song, L and Epps, J., “Improving Separability of EEG Signals During Motor Imagery with an Efficient Circular Laplacian” Proc. 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 14-19 May 2006, Toulouse, France, Vol. 2, pp. 1048-1051, ISBN 1-4244-0469-X

19. Buchheim, C. and Zheng, L, “Fixed linear crossing minimization by reduction to the Maximum Cut problem”, 12th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON’06), 15-18 Aug. 2006, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4271. pp. 507-516, ISBN 0302-9743.

20. Song, L. and Epps, J, “Classifying EEG for Brain-Computer Interfaces: Learning Optimal Filters for Dynamical System Features”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Machine Learning (Pittsburgh, PA), 2006, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol.148, pp. 857-864. ISBN 1-59593-383-2.

21. Gudmundsson, J. and Merrick,D. “Path Simplification for Metro Map Layout”, 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD2006). Sept 18-20 2006. Karlsruhe, Germany. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4372, 2007.

22. Gudmundsson J, van Kreveld M, and Merrick D, “Schematisation of Tree Drawings”, 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD2006). Sept 18-20 2006. Karlsruhe, Germany. . Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4372, 2007.

23. Ahmed, A., Dwyer, T., Forster, M., Fu, X., Ho, J., Hong, S., Kosch¨¹tzki, D., Murray, C., Nikolov, N., Taib, R., Tarassov, A., Xu, K., “GEOMI: GEOmetry for Maximum Insight”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 468-479.

24. Ho, J., Hong, S., “Drawing Clustered Graphs in Three Dimensions”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 492-502.

25. Hong, S., Nikolov, N., “Hierarchical Layout of Directed Graphs in Three Dimensions”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 251-261.

26. Huang, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “Layout Effects on Sociogram Perception”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 262-273.

27. Hong, S., “MultiPlane: A New Framework for Drawing Graphs in Three Dimensions”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 514-515.

28. Hong, S., “Network Analysis and Visualisation”, Healy, P., Eades, P. (editors), Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3843, 2006, pp. 524-527.

29. Ahmed, A., Dwyer, T., Hong, S., Murray, C., Song, L., Wu, Y., “Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Scale-free Networks”, Brodlie, K. W., Duke, D. J., Joy, K. I. (editors), EUROGRAPHICS – IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, (1-3 Jun, 2005), pp. 1-8.

30. Bachmaier, C., Fischer, F., Forster, M., “Radial Coordinate Assignment for Level Graphs”, Wang, L. (editor), Proc. Computing and Combinatorics Conference, (COCOON2005), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3595, 2005, pp. 401-410.

31. Li, P., Eades, P., Hong, S., “Navigating Software Architectures with Constant Visual Complexity”, IEEE Symp. Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC2005), (21-24 Sep 2005), Dallas, Texas, USA. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 225-232.

32. Herbert, R. D., Webber, R., Wei J., “Measurement of Space-filling Techniques in Simulating the Minority Game”, Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Networks and Brain (13-15 Oct 2005), Beijing, China, IEEE Press, pp. 542-547.

33. Li, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “A Framework for Visualising Large Graphs”, Proc. 9th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV’05), (July 6-8, 2005), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 528-535.

34. Fu, X., Li, D., “Haptic Shoes: Representing Information by Vibration”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 47-50.

35. Hong, S., Nikolov, N., “Layered Drawings of Directed Graphs in Three Dimensions”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 69-74.

36. Hong, S., Sugiyama, K., Osawa, R., “Puzzle Generators and Symmetric Puzzle Layout”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 97-106.

37. Ahmed, A., Eades, P., “Automatic Camera Path Generation for Graph Navigation in 3D”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 27-32

38. Huang, W., Eades, P., “How People Read Graphs”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 51-58.

39. Huang, W., Murray, C., Shen, X., Song, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, L., “Visualisation and Analysis of Network Motifs”, Proc. 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV05), (July 6-8, 2005). IEEE Computer Society, pp.697-702.

40. Li, W., Nikolov, N., Eades, P., “Using Spring Algorithms to Remove Node Overlapping”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 131-140.

41. Murray, C., “A User-based Evaluation of Skeletal Animation Techniques in Graph Interaction”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 7-14.

42. Murray, C., Friedrich, C., “Visualisation of Satisfiability using the Logic Engine”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 147-152.

43. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., “Three Dimensional Colour Pickers”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 107-114.

44. Yip, B., Goyette, S., Madden, C., “Visualising Internet Traffic Data with Three-Dimensional Spherical Display”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 153-158.

45. Zheng, L., Song, L., Eades, P., “Crossing Minimisation Problems of Drawing Bipartite Graphs in Two Clusters”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, (Jan 2005), Sydney, CRPIT, Vol. 45, pp. 33-38.

46. Shen X., Vande Moere, A., Eades, P., “An Intrusive Evaluation of Peripheral Display”, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, (2 Dec, 2005), ACM. pp. 289-292.

47. Song, L., “Desynchronization Network Analysis for the Recognition of Imagined Movement”, Proc. 27th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, 2005. IEEE. pp. 2091-2094.

48. Song, L., Gordon, E., Gysels, E., “Phase Synchrony Rates for the Recognition of Motor Imageries in BCIs”, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2005.

49. Song, L., Takatsuka, M., “Real-time 3d finger pointing for an augmented desk,” 6th Australasian User Interface Conference, CRPIT, Vol. 40, 2005. pp.99-108.

50. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., “Geodesic Self-Organizing Map”, Proc. Conf. Visualization and Data Analysis (Jan 2005), San Jose, USA.

51. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., “The Geodesic Self-organising Map and its Error Analysis”, Vladimir Estivill-Castro (editor), Computer Science 2005: 28th Australasian Computer Science Conference ACSC2005), CRPIT, Vol. 38, pp. 343-351.

52. Xu, K., Zhou, X., “Multi-resolution Query Optimisation in an Online Environment”, Seventh Asia Pacific Web Conference, (Mar 29-Apr 1, 2005), China. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3399. pp.730-741

53. Hong, S., Eades, P., “A Linear Time Algorithm for Constructing Maximally Symmetric Straight Line Drawings of Planar Graphs”, János Pach (editor), Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2004), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3383, pp 307-317.

54. Hong, S., Merrick, D., do Nascimento, H., “The Metro Map Layout Problem”, János Pach (editor), Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2004), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3383, pp. 482-491.

55. Hong, S., Murtagh, T., “Visualization of Large and Complex Networks using PolyPlane”, János Pach (editor), Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD2004), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3383, pp. 471-481.


1. Dwyer, T., “Two and a Half Dimensional Visualisation of Relational Networks”, PhD thesis, The University of Sydney, 2005.

2. Pulo, K., “Structural Focus + Context Navigation of Relational Data”, PhD thesis, The University of Sydney, 2005.

3. Shen. X., “Design and Evaluation of Ambient Displays”, PhD thesis, The University of Sydney, 2007.

4. Li, W., “Navigating Clustered Graphs”, Master of Philosophy thesis, The University of Sydney, 2005.

5. Buchner, H., “DIsplaying Centralities Using Orbital Layout”, Diploma Thesis, University of Passau, Germany, 2006.

6. Ketalaar, S. Reducing Visual Complexity of Scla-free Networks”, MS Thesis, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2006.

7. Jiang, W., “A Comparison of Space- filling Visualisations for Simulations of Financial Systems” Master of InfoSys thesis, The University of Newcastle, 2006

8. Ho. E., “Visualization of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using Geomi”, Honor thesis, The University of New South Wales, 2006.

Technical Reports

1. Webber, R., Hong, S., “Force-directed Animations for a Class of Dynamic Bipartite and Clustered Graphs”, NICTA TR, 2007.

2. Mader, M, Hong, S., “Drawing Clustered Graphs in 2.5 Dimensions”, NICTA TR, 2007.

2. Hong, S, Nagamochi, H., “Convex Drawings with Non-convex Boundary Constraints”, TR, 2007-003, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, University of Kyoto, Japan, 2007.

3. Hong, S, Nagamochi, H., “Convex Drawings of Hierarchical Planar Graphs and Clustered Planar Graphs”, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, University of Kyoto, Japan, 2007.

4. Hong, S., Buchheim, C.,“Testing Planarity of Geometric Automorphisms in Linesr Time”, ZAIK 2006-517, University of Cologne, Germany, 2006.

5. Ahmed. A., Hong, S., “Navigation Techniques for 2.5D Graph Layout”, TR, School of IT, University of Sydney, 2006.

6. Senechal, N., Hong, S., Eades, P., “Display of Sensor Networks”, NICTA TR 2006.

7. Nguyen, Q., Hong, S., “Comparison of Centrality-Based Planarisation for 2.5D Graph Drawing”,(Version 1) (Version 2) NICTA TR 2006.

8. Hong, S. “MultiPlane: a New Framework for Drawing Graphs in Three Dimensions”,(Version 1) (Version 2) NICTA TR 2005.

9. Hong, S., Buchheim, C., “Crossing Minimisation for Symmetries”, ZAIK 2005-484, University of Cologne, Germany, 2005.

10. Buchheim, C., Zheng, L., “Fixed Linear Crossing Minimisation by Reduction to the Maximum Cut Problem”, Technical report for ADONET, Dec 2005.

11. Huang, W., Hong, S., Eades, P., “Layouts effects: comparison of sociogram drawing conventions”, Technical report, USYD-IT-TR-575, Oct 2005.

12. Zheng, L., Buchheim, C., “Solutions of Crossing Minimisation Problems by Linear Constrained Quadratic Programming”, Technical report for ADONET, Nov 2005.


1. Dwyer,T., Hurst,N., Merrick,D. “A Fast and Simple Heuristic for Metro Map Path Simplification “ Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007(APVIS2007), displayed 7/02/2007

2. Zheng,L. “New Exact Results for the Two-layer Crossing Minimisation Problem ” Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007(APVIS2007), displayed 7/02/2007

3. Xu, K., Williams,R.B.H., Huang, X.-X., Cotsapas, C.J., Hong, S.-H., McCaughan, G.W., Gorrell, M.D., Little, P.F.R. “Multi-scale Visualisation and Function Analysis of Gene Ontology Network for High Throughput Experiments”, Bioinformatics Australia 2006 (Sydney), Displayed 21/11/2006

4. Fung, D.C.Y., Hong, S., Xu, K., Hart, D., “Contextual Visualization of Microarray Data in Bioprocess Gene Ontology”, Bioinformatics Australia 2006 (Sydney), Displayed 22/11/2006

5. Hong S-H, Webber R, Xu K, Fu X, Senechal N, Ahmed A, Huang W, Li P, Merrick D, Murray C, Song L, Wu Y, Zheng L, “VALACON: Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks / Project overview and specific examples “, IETenetWORKing 2006, displayed 17/08/2006 (

6. Huang, W (T), “Do Edge Crossings Really Matter? “, Computing The Future Symposium 2006, Submitted and accepted 5/07/2006, Displayed 13/09/2006

7. Merrick D, “Algorithms for Metro Map Layout “, Computing The Future Symposium 2006, Submitted and accepted 5/07/2006, Displayed 13/09/2006

8. Xu K, “Biological Network Analysis and Visualization “, Computing The Future Symposium 2006, Submitted and accepted 5/07/2006, Displayed 13/09/2006

9. Williams,R.B.H., Xu,K., Huang, X.-X., Cotsapas, C.J., Hong, S.-H., McCaughan, G.W., Gorrell, M.D., Little, P.F.R. “Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks” 14th Annnual International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006), Displayed 6-10/8/2006

10. Hong S-H, “Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks “, Computing The Future Symposium 2006, Submitted and accepted 5/07/2006, Displayed 13/09/2006

11. Fu, X., Hong, S., Nikolov, N., Shen, X., Wu, Y., Xu, K., “Visualization and Analysis of Small-World Email Networks”, 12th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2006)

12. Webber, R. “The Star System – A Case Study for Clustered Graph Animation”, 12th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis2006)

13. Wu, Y., Takatsuka, M., Webber, R. “Visualizing Multivariate Network Using GeoSOM and Spherical Disk Layout”, 12th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis2006)

14. Williams, R., Xu, K., Huang, X. X., Cotsapas, C., Hong, S., McCaughan, G., Gorrell, M., Little, P., “Combined visualization and analysis of Gene Ontology annotations using multivariate representations of annotations and bipartite networks”, 14th Annual International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB2006), Fortaleza, Brazil, August 6-10, 2006

15. Hong, S., Webber, R., Xu, K., Fu, X., Senechal, N., Ahmed, A., Huang, W., Li, P., Merrick, D., Murray, C., Song, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, L., “VALACON: Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks / Project overview and specific examples”, NICTA TechFest, 31 May 2006.

16. Hong, S., Forster, M., Fu, X., Taib, R., Webber, R., Xu, K., Ahmed, A., Fung, D., Ho, J., Huang, T., Li, P., Merrick, D., Murray, C., Song, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, L., “Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks (VALACON)”, University of Sydney Research Conversazione, 28 Oct 2005.

17. Kraska, T., Manwaring, T., Hart, D. Hong, S., Xu, K.; Fung, D., Ho, J., Hart, D., Roehm, U., “PathBank”, University of Sydney Research Conversazione, 28 Oct 2005.

18. Shen, X., Vande Moere, A., Eades, P., “An Intrusive Evaluation of Ambient Display”, IEEE InfoVis, 24 Oct 2005.

19. Webber, R., Ahmed, A., Ruiz, N., “The IMAGEN Program”, NICTA Canberra Summer School, 2 Dec 2005.

20. Hong, S., Nikolov, N., Forster, M., Xu, K., Fu, X., Ahmed, A., Huang, W., Li, P., Merrick, D., Murray, C., Song, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, L., “VALACON: Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks/ Project overview and subprojects”, NICTA TechFest, May 2005.

21. Ahmed, A., Dwyer, T., Murray, C., Song, L., Wu, Y., “WilmaScope Graph Visualisation”, Student team, 1st place, Fekete, J.-D., Grinstein, G., Plaisant, C., IEEE InfoVis 2004 Contest, Conference Proceedings, InfoVis 2004, Austin, Texas, IEEE Visualisation, Oct 10-15, 2004 (Proceedings on optical media).