The Information Visualisation Research Group (IVRG) was formed in January 2000 to research and develop information visualisation, including software visualisation and the various algorithms that underpin the visualisation. IVRG investigates computational methods for making pictures of abstract data. The data comes from a variety of applications, including Financial Services, Software Engineering, and Biotechnology. The pictures are rendered on a variety of devices, from simple PCs with regular CRT monitors, to exotic devices such as multi-megapixel, immersive, large write-on horizontal displays and infrared tracking devices.
The IVR Group is well-known internationally, and has been generously funded by the Australian Research Council, the Capital Markets CRC Limited, NICTA(Nitional ICT Australia), the Defense Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Fujitsu (Japan) and IBM. It is also supported by Tom Sawyer Software.
The Group, led by Prof. Peter Eades and Prof. Seokhee Hong, consists of University of Sydney – School of Computer Science staff, as well as PhD, Masters and Honours students, and collaborating institutions such as universities (Australian and international), and Tom Sawyer Software Int.
Algorithms for Drawing Non-Planar Graphs in Three Dimensions
Scalable Visual Analytics
MultiPlane Graph Embedding (2.5D Graph Embeddability)
Visualization and Analysis of Large and Complex Biological Networks and Social Networks
2.5D Graph Navigation and Interaction Techniques
Seokhee Hong
The Information Visualisation Research Group
School of Computer Science, J12 ICT Building
University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Phone: (61-2) 9351 7643
Fax: (61-2) 9351 3838
Email: seokhee dot hong at sydney dot edu dot au
Peter Eades
The Information Visualisation Research Group
School of Computer Science, J12 ICT Building
University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Phone: (61-2) 9036 9709
Email: peter dot eades at sydney dot edu dot au