Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks (VALACON)



  • CORE Chris Wallace Award 2006 for Outstanding Research Contribution in the field of Computer Science: Theory and Practice of Graph Drawing

    CORE Australasia offers the Chris Wallace award for outstanding Research Contribution each year.
    The prize will be awarded to an academic for post-PhD research undertaken within a university or research institution in
    Australia or New Zealand in the calendar years 2004-2006.
    The research should include a notable breakthrough or a contribution of particular significance.

  • First Place, IEEE
    InfoVis 2004 contest.

    To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the conference, InfoVis 2004 invited the submissions of case studies of the
    use of information visualization for understanding the history of the field. The dataset consists of metadata about the
    InfoVis conference publications and their references, and the task specifications provide a common ground that authors
    should use to present the merits of their chosen approaches.

  • First Place, Graph Drawing 2005
    Contest:  Evolving Grpah contest 

    The challenge of drawing large evolving graphs can be addressed in various ways. The data set for this challenge,
    represents a real-world bipartite graph based on the Internet Movie Database, where nodes are actors and movies and
    edges represent relations between movies and actors.

  • First Place, Graph Drawning
    2006 Contest: History of World Cup Competition 

    [Movie1] [Movie2]

    Every four years, FIFA’s World Cup phenomenon sweeps the globe, as it did this year. In honor of its long history,
    and as a curiosity of the tournament of the world’s best footballers, this category is dedicated to analyzing and
    visualizing the evolution of the game. The object is to come up with a creative and informative visualization of
    the evolution of the game, as an animated (movie) graph.

  • First Place, Graph Drawning
    2006 Contest: Theory Graph Competition

    The theory graph category presents a certain “mystery” graph of 101 nodes and 190 edges. Judging was based on both
    the artistic and informational merit.

  • SIEMENS Award / AIIA Finalist (Tertiary Education Category)

    The iAwards – the Australian ICT industry¡¯s premier annual awards program ¨C is presented by AIIA, the Australian Financial
    Review and the CSIRO ICT Centre. The iAwards are all about recognising, showcasing and celebrating the “best of the best”
    ICT products and services and in doing so, providing the impetus to launch more Australian ICT successes.

  • Two University Medals (USYD, UNSW)